Our Stories
my failures are not a cause for shame
One of the most beautiful things about Res Pres is the leadership and their unflinching commitment to proclaiming the gospel in every aspect of the liturgy. Every Sunday without fail, I am encouraged and refreshed by the truth of the gospel so faithfully preached by Pastor Rob. Even for someone like myself who has attended church their whole life, this is a rare and precious quality in a church. The Lord has used Res Pres as a refuge for me to break the destructive patterns of internal shame I felt as a consequence of my sin. I had fallen into these patterns attending churches whose focus was more on "being good" than on the perfect love and acceptance we have in Christ despite our sinfulness. Attending Res Pres has helped me see that my failures are not a cause for shame, but a beautiful reminder of my desperate need for the gospel.

Res Pres brings together God's beauty, goodness, and truth
After being a part of churches that had a concern for the truth but cared little about friendship with a good and beautiful God, life in the church became cold and hollow. I believe what they believed, but the manner in which the truth was being used stole all the joy of the gospel. When I was invited to check out Res Pres what I experienced restored the love that the gospel should create in the church. What I see here isn't a perfect church or a church that is "meeting me where I am at," but a bunch of fellow sinners and friends who are willing to find the sufficiency of God's grace in their very weaknesses. Res Pres brings together God's beauty, goodness, and truth in a way that glorifies God and saves sinners.
We just are not made to do it alone
Community is something we highly appreciate and value. We have been a couple in ministry for about a decade and have found ourselves surrounded by incredible people, but still really longing for a church family. It’s easy to get lost in a crowd, even while being in leadership. It’s easy to be recognized by a lot of people while not really being known.
Res Pres is teaching us a lot about being part of a family and doing life together. It’s really uncomfortable, but necessary if we want to survive the Christian life. We just are not made to do it alone. Being fully known and still loved at the end of the day is what we are all really desiring, and the gospel is the only way to be able to give and receive that kind of love. We are grateful to have a church family that reflects this truth to us.
It’s slowly but surely changing the dynamic of our marriage and how we see and interact with the world around us. It’s changing how we forgive and extend hope, how we interact with the church, and how we create. We are continuing to grow in our understanding of our purpose as a couple, our mission in the world and to the church.

It’s not about what we can do; it’s about what Christ has done for us.
What brought me to Res Pres was the energy and spunk of the people. Res Pres has a very unique, beautiful, artistic vibe to it. There is a nice balance of people of all ages. I can relate to everyone, and I do! Young and up!
What I think is beautiful about Res Pres is the liturgy. The liturgy flows beautifully with each worship song. Our worship team is amazing!! And the content of the worship songs go in beautiful sync with the sermon. It’s all very thought out. My favorite thing about Res Pres is the fact that it is unique, artistic, and beautifully different without compromising the centrality of Christ and the Gospel. This is also one of ways that Res Pres answered a deep longing for a church that is deeply centered and rooted in the gospel and the centrality of Christ. It’s not about what we can do; it’s about what Christ has done for us.
I have been able to grow in building relationships with other women. Res Pres has shown me that I can open up and feel comfortable and loved. Being a part of such a tight knit family has enabled me to grow in trusting our Father in Christ and His Sovereign hand in my life.
Resurrection has united the beauty of Christ and the freedom of the gospel in a way that has changed our family.
Our family came to Resurrection tired, hurting and needing a place to rest and be filled with the gospel. We found that and more. We love the way the entire service is full of the gospel.
Resurrection is not only about telling us what we need to do, they are committed to telling us how Jesus has done it all. This brings so much freedom. They never encourage us to obey outside of the freedom of the gospel.
My family has found a place where we can worship and be refreshed. Resurrection has united the beauty of Christ and the freedom of the gospel in a way that has changed our family.